
Executive Committee

This committee consists of five (5) trustees, including the President, Vice-President, Financial Officer, and Recording Secretary. They are elected each year for a one-year term at the annual meeting.  Between regularly scheduled board meetings, this committee may exercise all power of the Board of Trustees. However, none of the committee’s actions shall conflict with action taken by the Board of Trustees and the committee’s actions shall be reported to the full Board at the Board’s next regular meeting.


  • Lauren Mossotti-Kline
  • John Hoeschele
  • Mark Webster
  • Mike Anderson
  • Kathleen Hennessy

Building & Grounds & Technology Committee

The Building & Grounds Committee oversees all activities associated with the operation, maintenance, safety and security of the building, grounds, furnishings and equipment owned by the library except for except for office equipment, computer systems, and media/sound systems. As needed, the Building & Grounds Committee assists the Library Director on matters relating to the building, facilities, and grounds. The committee also provides input into the library’s Long Range Plan. This committee is also a resource about current technology and how it relates to CFL (e.g., knowing what is and isn’t possible, and the real costs associated); staying up-to-date on CFL’s ever-changing technology-related concerns, needs, and wants; and evaluating and advising with respect to the direction of the library’s technological evolution.


  • Myron Walter (Chair)
  • Eugene Waldbauer
  • Glenn Reisweber
  • Kim Hay
  • Nick Pizzola (Community Member, Technology)


Marketing/Development/Grants Committee

Focuses on two activities: (1) community outreach–branding, marketing initiatives, public relations, advertising, etc. and (2) fundraising, aka, development, with emphasis on researching grant opportunities, reviewing applications, and lending help to library leadership in terms of strategy, writing, and/or data collection.


  • John Hoeschele (Chair)
  • Liz Cole
  • Mike Anderson


Finance and Investment Committee

Oversees development of the budget; ensures accurate tracking/monitoring/accountability for funds; ensures adequate financial controls; reviews major grants and associated terms; creates and monitors internal controls and accountability policies.


  • Mark Webster (Chair)
  • Kathleen Hennessy
  • Mark Martin


Long-Range Planning Committee

Works with library staff and community members to review the library’s strategic goals and methods, plans, and resources for achieving them. The committee’s work and the resulting plan seeks to address, account for, and guide the library’s operation, touching on everything from goals related to collections, facilities, outreach, and IT infrastructure, to matters such as personnel, broad investment policies, and the strategic direction of adult and youth/teen programming.


  • Lauren Mossotti-Kline (Chair)
  • John Hoeschele
  • Julie Campbell
  • Liz Cole
  • Chris Lund (Community Member)


Nominating Committee

Recommends new potential CFL Board of Trustee candidates to the board and recruits trustees who provide a mix of expertise and perspective. Also responsible for presenting the annual slate of officers and preparing the ballot for the annual meeting.


  • Glenn Reisweber (Chair)
  • Bryan Riccardi

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee provides guidance, oversight and support to the library director in HR-related areas. Examples:

  • updates to the personnel manuals and personnel-related policies
  • leads annual evaluation of the director (and updates evaluation form when necessary)
  • together with the finance committee, recommends an annual wage increase for the director
  • provides annual total compensation letters for staff
  • assists with employee discipline/termination as needed
  • reviews director’s proposed updates to staff position descriptions


  • Kim Hay (Chair)
  • Bonnie Haines
  • Kathleen Hennessy
  • Julie Campbell

Note: The Board President and Library Director are de facto members of all committees.