Cortland Free Library
32 Church Street, Cortland, NY, United States
A bag with supplies and directions provided to make a greeting card at home will be available to pick up on a first come first serve basis beginning on the first Friday of the month. Open to ages 12 and up.
Features read alouds & activities to engage young readers in a greater understanding & appreciation of local & American history. Time Travel is geared to ages 4-8 but all families are welcome. Please call the library at (607) 753-1043 to register. More information on this month’s program to come.
Cortland Free Library
32 Church Street, Cortland, NY, United States
Why work alone when you can work with others? Knitting, crocheting, sewing - bring whatever it is you are working on! Open to all skill levels (ages 12 and up). The group meets every Monday evening at 6 p.m.
A special pajama story time. Be sure to wear your pajamas and bring a favorite stuffed animal to leave for a sleepover at the library. All ages and families are welcome but this program is designed for children ages 3 – 5 yrs. Registration is required.