Join us to discuss Last Bus to Wisdom by Ivan Doig. New members are always welcome! Please contact the library for more information. Ask for a copy of the book at either circulation desk. Our next selection is The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams and will be discussed on August 7.
July 5- August 9 Each Friday supplies will be provided for a craft/ activity for kids to make at home. Supplies available on a first come, first serve basis. Open to ages 4-12.
A bag with supplies and directions provided to make a greeting card at home will be available to pick up on a first come first serve basis beginning on the first Friday of the month. Open to ages 12 and up.
Join Miss Tammy at Suggett Park (25 Homer Ave., Cortland) for story time while you eat lunch. (Rain or Shine) Come early to get your free lunch and find a spot! *Rain location – Burch Building at Suggett Park
Join the Great and Powerful Dave for a fun-filled interactive show filled with magic, mystery, comedy, puppets and audience participation. The show is targeted towards ages 4-10, but all families are welcome. Registration required.
Join us for the infamous Dan the Snakeman and all his critters in Court House Park (rain location: County Office Building Gym). (Sponsored by Cortland Free Library & Cortland Youth Bureau)
Why work alone when you can work with others? Crafting, knitting, crocheting, sewing - bring whatever it is you are working on! Open to all skill levels ages 12 and up.
July 5- August 9 Each Friday supplies will be provided for a craft/ activity for kids to make at home. Supplies available on a first come, first serve basis. Open to ages 4-12.
Adventure Begins at Your Library theme LEGO Contest: Voting July 15-26. Winners announced July 31. Prizes for different age groups. Adventure Begins at Your Library theme Bookmark Contest: Entries accepted July 1-13. Open to ages 4-12. Voting July 15-26. Winners announced July 31. Prizes for different age groups. Anyone can vote for each contest once a day, every day!
Join Miss Tammy at Suggett Park (25 Homer Ave., Cortland) for story time while you eat lunch. (Rain or Shine) Come early to get your free lunch and find a spot! *Rain location – Burch Building at Suggett Park
Join us for some pirate fun! Learn how to speak pirate and listen to some pirate stories with Captain Jack! Pirate eyepatch for everyone and chance at fun door prizes! Open to ages 4-12. Registration required.
Join us for some magic fun with Sky Sands in Court House Park. Rain location is County Office Building Gym. (Sponsored by Cortland Free Library & Cortland Youth Bureau)
Do you enjoy cooking and/or baking? Join us to have some cookie adventures as we discuss cookie recipes that you have Never made before! Bring your recipe and cookies to sample to share! Come prepared to discuss your cooking experience! We will also be decorating cookies! Registration is required. Register online or call the library to […]
Why work alone when you can work with others? Crafting, knitting, crocheting, sewing - bring whatever it is you are working on! Open to all skill levels ages 12 and up.
July 5- August 9 Each Friday supplies will be provided for a craft/ activity for kids to make at home. Supplies available on a first come, first serve basis. Open to ages 4-12.
Join Miss Tammy at Suggett Park (25 Homer Ave., Cortland) for story time while you eat lunch. (Rain or Shine) Come early to get your free lunch and find a spot! *Rain location – Burch Building at Suggett Park
Join Story Laurie for fun participatory stories, sea chanteys, and maritime lore from many cultures. First 20 families will receive a free book. Open to ages 6-12. Registration required.
Join us for The REV Theatre Company's highly interactive and extremely fun production The Boy Who Cried Wolf! in Court House Park. Rain location is County Office Building Gym. (Sponsored by Cortland Free Library & Cortland Youth Bureau)
Why work alone when you can work with others? Crafting, knitting, crocheting, sewing - bring whatever it is you are working on! Open to all skill levels ages 12 and up.
Adventure Begins at Your Library theme LEGO Contest: Voting July 15-26. Winners announced July 31. Prizes for different age groups. Adventure Begins at Your Library theme Bookmark Contest: Entries accepted July 1-13. Open to ages 4-12. Voting July 15-26. Winners announced July 31. Prizes for different age groups. Anyone can vote for each contest once a day, every day!
July 5- August 9 Each Friday supplies will be provided for a craft/ activity for kids to make at home. Supplies available on a first come, first serve basis. Open to ages 4-12.
Interactive Art Fun! Join local artist, Molly Reagan with Good Neighbor Art for a hands-on painting experience. Please choose one time slot only. Open to ages 6-12.Registration Required.
Join Miss Tammy at Suggett Park (25 Homer Ave., Cortland) for story time while you eat lunch. (Rain or Shine) Come early to get your free lunch and find a spot! *Rain location – Burch Building at Suggett Park
Interactive Art Fun! Join local artist, Molly Reagan with Good Neighbor Art for a hands-on painting experience. Please choose one time slot only. Open to ages 6-12.Registration Required.
Join us in Court House Park for some puppet fun! Rain location is County Office Building Gym. (Sponsored by Cortland Free Library & Cortland Youth Bureau)
Adventure Begins at Your Library theme LEGO Contest: Winner announced. Prizes for different age groups. Adventure Begins at Your Library theme Bookmark Contest: Winner announced. Prizes for different age groups.
Hoxie Gorge Adventures with Jim Weiss! Join us as Jim presents information from his book Wildflowers of the Hoxie Gorge State Forest and nearby woods and fields!
Why work alone when you can work with others? Crafting, knitting, crocheting, sewing - bring whatever it is you are working on! Open to all skill levels ages 12 and up.
July 5- August 9 Each Friday supplies will be provided for a craft/ activity for kids to make at home. Supplies available on a first come, first serve basis. Open to ages 4-12.
A bag with supplies and directions provided to make a greeting card at home will be available to pick up on a first come first serve basis beginning on the first Friday of the month. Open to ages 12 and up.
Join Sharyn Madison for an opening reception for her "Up Close & Natural" nature photography show that will be on display in the library's gallery for the month of August. Sharyn will be on hand to sign any works that you purchase and you can enter a drawing for a free matted print or greeting […]