Newspapers + Microfilm

Use our in-house microfilm machines to view historic newspapers during regular library hours, or view select years digitally with the links below:





Local newspapers on microfilm housed at Cortland Free Library include:

Cortland Advocate 1831-1837
Cortland Democrat 1840-1989
Cortland News 1880-1887
Cortland Observer 1825-1932
Cortland Republican  1815-1836
Cortland Repository 1814-1825
Cortland Standard 1867-2018*
Cortland Tribune 1948-1950
Cortland Whig   1840-1855
Gazette and Banner  1861-1869
Homer Independent  1959-1962
Homer Post  1931-1936
Homer Republican 1855-1919
Independent Villager 1980-1987
Republican Banner  1858-1861
Republican and Eagle 1837-1840

*Years 2019-present are available in physical newspaper form in the Periodicals Room.